Torre Lorell Walls is the Founder and CEO of Foundational Rainbows, and a U.S. Army Veteran. A Human Resource professional with over 20 years of expertise in training and educating, she developed and delivered training materials to a variety of staff, students and soldiers.

Torre earned her Master of Science in Technology, Training and Development degree and her Bachelor of Science in Career Organizational Studies with an emphasis on Business both from Eastern Illinois University. She also attained a Graduate Certificate in Work Performance Improvement.

Torre is the mother of 3 children and is a grandmother. She has dedicated her life to the spiritual development of her community by serving as the Praise Dance ministry leadership for Shekinah and her church’s Administrative Assistant for over 15 years. During this time, she covered and supported two powerful preachers and teachers. She also taught Sunday School to preschoolers.

Torre is committed to authentically sharing her past from her Woes to Wisdom with the Lord’s continued guidance. Having endured traumas, domestically and sexually, she has a message of hope and redemption for women who have been beaten and broken from life’s struggles and strife. Torre serves women who have experienced trauma and supports them through their healing with the Lord’s Word, Inspiration, a Song of praise and worship, and, last but not least, Prayer to ultimately gain Wisdom of their Godly purposed potential.

She has a message for women who have felt like Nobody and implores women to be NoBoDy (New-Found Original Blessing Other Destiny-Bound Yearnings). She prays for women to begin stepping into their beliefs knowing they are Somebody and they have a lot to offer others. She wants women to live up to their fullest potential.

Torre was born in Danville, IL and currently lives in Katy, TX. You can contact Torre via her website, Instagram @torre.walls or Facebook.

Torre Lorell Walls is the Founder and CEO of Foundational Rainbows, and a U.S. Army Veteran. A Human Resource professional with over 20 years of expertise in training and educating, she developed and delivered training materials to a variety of staff, students and soldiers.

Torre earned her Master of Science in Technology, Training and Development degree and her Bachelor of Science in Career Organizational Studies with an emphasis on Business both from Eastern Illinois University. She also attained a Graduate Certificate in Work Performance Improvement.

Torre is the mother of 3 children and is a grandmother. She has dedicated her life to the spiritual development of her community by serving as the Praise Dance ministry leadership for Shekinah and her church’s Administrative Assistant for over 15 years. During this time, she covered and supported two powerful preachers and teachers. She also taught Sunday School to preschoolers.

Torre is committed to authentically sharing her past from her Woes to Wisdom with the Lord’s continued guidance. Having endured traumas, domestically and sexually, she has a message of hope and redemption for women who have been beaten and broken from life’s struggles and strife. Torre serves women who have experienced trauma and supports them through their healing with the Lord’s Word, Inspiration, a Song of praise and worship, and, last but not least, Prayer to ultimately gain Wisdom of their Godly purposed potential.

She has a message for women who have felt like Nobody and implores women to be NoBoDy (New-Found Original Blessing Other Destiny-Bound Yearnings). She prays for women to begin stepping into their beliefs knowing they are Somebody and they have a lot to offer others. She wants women to live up to their fullest potential.

Torre was born in Danville, IL and currently lives in Katy, TX. You can contact Torre via her website, Instagram @torre.walls or Facebook.